Photos by: Chris Quintana

Bamboo Jam. Photo by: Chris Quintana
In celebration of their 24th year, the UP Jammers’ Club held its annual gig Freshmeat: Uncut last October 6, 2016 at Nesting Ground, LB Square in Los Baños, Laguna. Members got to showcase their musical prowess in one night of rock music. Despite the bad weather, members and audience alike were in high spirits.
Some of the up and coming bands on campus and established artists in the LB music scene took to the stage. Performances from Asylum Excursion, Bamboo Jam, Embercore, Gnarrate, Jen Rogers Band, Last Action Heroes, MR. Shly, Psychocyanide, Random Wallflowers, Spacelorns, Sunset Blvd, and The Near Death Experience prove that the local music scene is far from dead.
The day before Freshmeat was held, the socio-cultural organization also held its second annual battle of the bands, Bandemonium II: Screen to Stage, in which local bands competed for the title of champion.

Psychocyanide. Photo by: Chris Quintana