The human dilemma in Mideo’s “Cyborg Republic”

Text by Kimmy Baraoidan “Art should be unconventional and [should disturb] people,” said visual artist Mideo Cruz in one of his social media accounts earlier this month. His art—mostly made from found materials, from toys, to knickknacks from thrift stores, to other everyday things—is unorthodox and agitates the minds, stirs the emotions, and grates on…

Art in the Park (Part 1)

Text and photos by Chris Quintana Salcedo Park in the Philippines’ center of commerce. And here I was again walking along the concrete and marble forest of the Makati CBD. It's been a few years since I was back here. I used to walk these streets at the heart of the business district - mostly empty…


Text by: Kimmy Baraoidan Photos by: Chris Quintana and Kimmy Baraoidan An LED sign screams the word “Tattoo” from a window on the second floor of a small building next to a church. The building’s ground floor houses a small eatery full of employees from the mall across during lunchtime. The smell of freshly baked bread and…