Asshulz, Crispy Panda, and Martie Rosales in partnership with Caterwauls and Picked Cafe & Gallery are hosting Munzinelupa on Saturday, Jan. 27, 2018, 1:00 p.m. onward at Picked Cafe & Gallery, Muntinlupa City.
The zine expo/art market will feature Electromilk, The Cabinet, Studio Soup Zine Library, Czar Kristoff, and 18 other artists who will be selling their independently-published work and other art merchandise. Munzinelupa comes timely at an era where press freedom and freedom of speech is being undermined by larger institutions.

Emilio, Pamcy, Juniper Face The Corner, and seven other artists will perform simultaneously at the zine fair from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. The gig, headlined by Caterwauls, aims to bring good local music to the south of Metro Manila. Genres range from electronic, alternative rock, to bedroom pop.

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